Great Economic Thinkers


Contact: Teachers: Maik Huettinger, David Rees. Secretary: Virginia Mongondry
Evaluation:  Oral presentation 25%. 
                      Course participation 25%
                      Exam 50%.
Group 2. Thursday 7 February to Friday 11 April

Group 2
Lesson 1
Maik Huettinger
Thursday 27 February

All material available on Moodle
Lesson 2
Maik Huettinger
Thursday 27 February

Adam Smith
All material available on Moodle
Lesson 3
Maik Huettinger
Thursday 6 March

Thomas Malthus and David Ricardo
All material available on Moodle
Lesson 4
Maik Huettinger
Thursday 6 March

Jean-Baptiste Say and John Stuart Mill
All material available on Moodle
Lesson 5
David Rees
Thursday 13 March

Karl Marx part 1

Charlie Chaplin. Modern Times. Factory scene
Fritz Lang. Metropolis. Ouverture
Film Questions

The Life of Karl Marx (BBC). 59m
How capitalism is killing itself. 35m. The Empire Files (Dr Richard Wolff)

Presentation by Paul Boccara: To what extent is labour still exploited in France?

Presentation by Fiyona Rose Paul:  How did the Enclosures Acts provide factory workers?

Epistemology (David Rees)
Theory, concept and history (David Rees)
Marx and Globalisation (David Rees)
Lesson 6
David Rees
Thursday 13 March

Karl Marx part 2
Political Theory. Karl Marx. 9m. The School of Life.
Marx - introduction. 5m. The curious classroom
25 October 1917. The Russian Revolution (Epic History) (14m)
Globalisation and wealth distribution (David Rees)
Crises of capitalism (David Harvey) (11m)
Marx - introduction. 5m. The curious classroom

Manufacturing Consent (Noam Chomsky) (2h46m)
Everything is a Rich Man's Trick (Top Documentary Films. 3h28m)

Presentation by  Margot Ondet.  What would Marx have to say about the policies of Mao Zedong and Stalin? 

Presentation by Anet David: Is labour still alienated in France?

Marx Summary
Lesson 7
Maik Huettinger
Thursday 20 March

William Jevons, Carl Menger and Leon Walrus
All material available on Moodle
Lesson 8
David Rees
Thursday 20 March

Alfred Marshall, Knut Wicksell and Irving Fischer

Elasticity. pdf. DR

The Cambridge Economists pdf. DR
Presentation: Is France breaking its social contract of providing fiscal policy based on social welfare?

Presentation: What is the relationship between the Marginal Propensities to Cnsue and Save and the Multiplier Effect?

Lesson 9
Maik Huettinger
Thursday 27 March

Thornstein Veblen, Wesley Mitchell and John Commons
All material available on Moodle
Lesson 10
Maik Huettinger
Thursday 27 March

Carl Menger, Eugen Böhm von Bawerk, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich von Hayek and Joseph Schumpeter
All material available on Moodle
Lesson 11
David Rees
Thursday 03 April

John Maynard Keynes part 1
Masters of Money - John Maynard Keynes (BBC 60m)

Rees. A Keynesian New World Order for the 21st Century
Keynesian New World Order. References
Available in 'Economic Theory and Globalization'

Diesel cars in France. Electric cars in France. Solar panels. Public transport.

Presentation: What sort of Keynesian New Deal could be applied by the EU?

Presentation: Given the success of the 'Trente Glorieuses', why aren't we using it today?

Keynes and The New Deal (10m)
Keynesian Economics (5m)

Keynes on the Bancor and ICU pdf DR
Lesson 12
David Rees
Thursday 03 April

John Maynard Keynes part 2

Presentation:  What were Keynes's economic and political criticisms of the Versailles Treaty?

Presentation. At the Bretton Woods Conference, why did the conference agree on using Harold Dexter White's proposals instead of those of John Maynard Keynes?

Treaty of Versailles (video 3m)
Economic Consequences of the Peace (book)
Bretton Woods (90s)

Lesson 13
Maik Huettinger
Friday 04 April

Joan Robinson, Paul Sweezy, Karl Myrdal, John Galbraith and Ronald Coase
All material available on Moodle
Lesson 14
David Rees
Friday 04 April

Milton Friedman and Joseph Stiglitz
Milton Friedman and Chile - the Power of Choice. Free to Choose. (9m)
Key lessons from 'The Chicago Boys' Chile experiment. Stigler Centre. (54m)
Le Duel de Critiques. Milton Friedman vs Pierre Larrouturou et Dominique Méda. BFM Business (in French) (13m)
Naomi Klein critique of Friedman. C-Span. (5m)
Is Progressive Capitalism an Oxymoron? Interview with Joseph Stiglitz. TVO Today. (20m)

Naomi Klein. The Shock Doctrine.
Robert Reich. Beyond Outrage.
Joseph Stiglitz. Making Globalisatin Work.
Joseph Stiglitz. The Price of Inequality.
Joseph Stiglitz. People Power and Profits

Presentation: Have the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund failed achieving their initial objectives?

Presentation. What is Friedman's legacy in Latin America?

History of Economic Theory. David Rees

Stiglitz leaves World Bank. N. Y. Times
Joseph Stiglitz: Man who ran World Bank calls for bankers to face the music. Independent.
Joseph Stiglitz Books. Amazon

Course evaluation
Lesson 15
David Rees
Friday 11 April

Personal political ideology. Right, Left or Lost?
Personal Political Ideology
Opinions - discussion

Economic Theory - concluding remarks.
Some personal ideas
Political positioning
Left or Right?
Socialist or Capitalist?
Personal Political Position

Exam 25m (on Moodle - last lesson) at 15h
For video links, books and articles - go to 'Links' on this website.