Lobbying Presentations - instructions

As part of your evaluation for European Economics, you are meant to make two presentations in your research groups. You have completed one, on Fiscal Policy. The second presentation is a case study of lobbying in Brussels. You can either work on your own, or in groups (maximum 4 students) of your choice. Your 'presentation' will be a written case study to be sent to me by Wednesday 22nd April 18h00 (to my address david.rees@agrocampus-ouest.fr. Do not use the ESSCA address). Last week's lesson should have given you a good grounding in EU lobbying. You have today's lesson to start your research and to find an interesting case study. There is no accompanying video with this lesson.

Your case-study should include:
Name and registration number of the company / association / NGO / Think Tank.
Total expenditure (see below). This might include expenditure outside the EU.
Objectives - especially if there is a particular issue being defended (such as Monsanto and a potential ban on its top product 'RoundUp').
What lobbying was carried out, by whom (in-house, associations or external), and how (if possible) the lobbying was done (target: Council, Commission, Parliament. Campain? Media?)
What was the outcome?
Conclusion - a personal conclusion about your case-study.

1. Go to your lesson at 'reesonomics.eu', European Economics, lesson 12, 15 April.
2. In order to find a case study, start by reading '
The EU lobbyists' (choose the most interesting parts) and look at 'Corporate Europe Observatory' - select 'Lobbying in the EU'. Also look at 'LobbyFacts'.
Look also at the suggestions on the lesson page. Under 'links / lobbying', there are some presentations from last year. You can look at these for ideas, but please don't choose the same company.
3. Once you have selected your company / association / NGO / Think Tank, go to the 'Lobbying Transparency Register'.
You need to find total expenditure which might include in-house lobbying, external lobbying by a consultancy agency (listed on the LTR) and associations. You will then need to research the associations as well to see how many companies there are and what their lobbying expenditure is.
How many people are involved (on the LTR)?
Are they using a consultancy agency/ies - if so, which ones.
Is there a link to EU subsidies, such as the CAP, and your company (for example, sugar companies)?
You should consider yourselves to be investigative journalists to find as much information as possible.

Your case-study can include graphs, pictures, data in picture format etc. The cover page should include the ESSCA logo, the title, your names and nationalities. There is no particular limit to the size of the case-study, and no specific format (Word, Open Office, PowerPoint, Video etc.). Obviously the size and amount of information will reflect the number of students working on it.

Please remember that I am available by e-mail or telephone (0686788933) to answer any questions or to provide clarification. 

Next week we will look at the Brexit. I will also try to prepare an economic/political analysis of the current Covid19 crisis for the final lesson, which will include a revision document for your exam.

David Rees
14 April 2020